We’re moving! Giveaway and New Website!


Hey guys! I’m happy to announce that this day is finally here–my blog is moving to it’s permanent home on the internet, threesmittenkittens.com!

So, I’d like to invite you to head on over there! If our cute tutorials and posts aren’t enough to convince you to move over and follow our new home, I’ve put together a craft giveaway/raffle for all our new subscribers too! ❤

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Lucaille.com Shopping Experience and Wig Review

Lucaille is famously known in the local cosplay community for their vast catalog of high-quality wigs. With that being said, local sellers offer pre-orders of their wig for anywhere from P1500 to over P2000. It’s a brand I’ve avoided because it was always so pricey, and I was always a cheapskate. (Why I can justify buying an Alpaca wig for almost the same price is beyond me)

But  then Lucaille opened an english shopping website with the same shocking Taobao prices. (aka CHEAP) Their short wigs are at 15$ (P600-700), their long wigs at 20$ (P900), which are all a far cry from the usual P1500-P2000 they’re all sold for locally. The cheapskate in me cannot let this pass. We mean to cosplay Elsa and Anna (Frozen) and Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) this year anyway, so I decided to look at Lucaille.com for said wigs. It would be tedious to go on the hunt for on-hand of said wigs anyway. So find out how I spent just P3000 for three Lucaille wigs, and my review on the wig quality overall.

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Elsa Snowflake Hairpins Tutorial (Custom Shapes in Resin)

Hello everyone! Today my tutorial post with be about making Queen Elsa of Disney’s Frozen’s hairclips. This can also serve as a tutorial on how to cast custom shapes in resin, whether it’s snowflake or not!

Elsa’s snowflake earrings have a semi-transparent and sparkly quality to them that I thought was best-suited for a resin project. I chose to do the color in icy blue because that would really make it icy! You can also choose to do it in silver or any color/variety you want.

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3SK’s Blog Sale–Air Dry Clay, Worbla, Wonderflex, etc.

I’m putting up for sale some craft supplies that have just come in fresh from the US. If you’re from the Philippines and you’re looking for rare items like imported Air-dry Clays, thermoplastics like Worbla and Wonderflex, and a few stocks of polymer clay, then I have them for a limited time and in very limited quantities just for you. Grab them while you can! ^^

For those interested to purchase, please message my facebook shop page, Three Smitten Kittens.

 photo clay5_zps7fdd7af0.jpgCreative Paperclay. White Color. Made in Japan. Ideal for Sculptures, Models, Ornaments, Doll Making, Miniatures, etc. Good stuff. =3= 113g

Price: P270. Only one stock for sale.

 photo clay6_zps86b97897.jpgPolyform Model Air. Made by the same company that makes Sculpey. ^^ This is a big pack (1kg) so it’ll last you a long time, just make sure to store it in an air-tight container once open.
Price: P450

 photo clay9_zpsc6323783.jpgLumina Air Dry Polymer-Resin Clay This is a very small pack but the clay is very high quality for delicate projects like dolls. A top choice of dollmakers in the US. Color is Translucent.

Price: P600
 photo clay7_zpse7cd580e.jpg1 Medium Roll Wonderflex (white) and

1 Medium Roll Worbla (sand brown)

*1 medium roll is guessimated to be enough to make one regular sized sword or female breastplates/chest armor.

Thermoplastics that become flexible once heated. Wonderflex is heavier and thicker and does not break easily, so it’s more suited for projects that are angled and structured. Worbla is thinner and more flexible, perfect for making curves and domes and thin pieces, but breaks easier.

Price: P3,000 each.
 photo clay8_zpsf570078e.jpgWorbla’s texture up-close. Authentic Worbla bought from the US.

 photo clay4_zps15500951.jpgNendo Firm Polymer Clay. Destash from my personal stash. Soft, easy to knead, and good for items that need flexibility. Cured pieces have a slight satin finish. One Stock each only.

Colors: Sky Blue, Pastel Pink, Gold, Chocolate, Dark Blue, Lime, Orange, Purple, and Blue.

Price: P70 each. (original price is P85each)
 photo clay1_zps3f5f4482.jpgFIMO Polymer Clays. Made in Germany. Really suitable for business. Cured clay pieced have a satin finish. Quality of clay is good, soft and moldable (not old stocks that are hard that they sometimes sell in shops D:) One stock of each only for sale. ^^

Colors: Glitter Silver, Chocolate, Glitter Gold, Pastel Blue, Skintone Beige, Violet.

Price: P100 each (sale price, original price P120)
Stocks: Only one of each
 photo clay2_zps7362035f.jpgSculpey III Polymer Clays. Really good for beginners, soft and easy to knead. Cured clay pieces have a matte, bisque finish. One stock of each only for sale. ^^

Colors: Gold (no stocks), Silver (no stocks), Beige, Dust Rose, White, Black, Tan, and Translucent.

Price: P100 each.
 photo clay3_zps684773d0.jpgColors:Just Orange, Chocolate, Red, Sky Blue and Fuschia Purple.

Price: P100 each.

Again, for orders, message my shop’s Facebook page. Thanks!

Birthday + Moving Out!

I missed posting last week! Real life has been keeping me busy, and February has always been a special time of the year for us. My brother Joey and I celebrate our birthdays on this month, and he and I bonded over trying to find ways to celebrate together. While this blog is mostly craft-centric, allow me to share a slice of real life every once in a while. ^^;;

According to WordPress, I’ve had this blog for four years, so I started it when I was eighteen and was pretty young and impressionable. Time flies by so fast! It’s another birthday for me, and I’m pretty old. D:

We usually celebrate our birthdays pretty simply; we just like to eat out as a family. That day my mother was out in the province so I went out with my brother and sister instead

We had sundaes for snack at Iceberg’s, dinner at Adobo Connection (which we are regulars in) and bringing home cupcakes from Lovin’ Oven.

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Tutorial Time: Thick Waistband Loli-able Skirt

I will hereby call my Sewing posts as Instinctive Sewing because I have near-zero sewing background. I pretty much sew and draft patterns by instinct! Except for the patterns they taught in 5th grade TLE–basic shirt, skirt and shorts, all of which we never sewed anyway…just patternmaking, really boring tbh–I have no real formal lessons with sewing. It’s always been a long, hit-and-miss thing with me. I have been trying to sew since circa 2009. I’ve only recently gotten the hang of it. Almost five long years!

 photo skirtee_zpsab8c8b7b.jpgAnyway today I thought I’d share with you all how to make my recent loli-able skirt. It was a skirt I sewed mid-late-2013 and I’ve recently decided to ‘redux’ it. I haven’t taken enough proper photos as this wasn’t intended to be a how-to when I was  taking photos, just a chronicling, but I did try my best to illustrate the pattern and describe it all with my best! Read more for rough pattern and directions. ^^;;

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Tutorial Time: Epoxy Resin Casting

Craft time! Today I’d like to share my experience casting items out of Epoxy Resin. I’ve always wanted to try resin casting, and I finally decided to invest in some last October. A lot of my clients had custom commission requests that needed custom transparent gemstones, so I thought resin would be a business investment as well (that and shiny new craft stuff to play with yay)

I’m just quickly going to run you guys with the how-to’s and some tips!

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2013 Cosplay: Lookback and Lessons Learned

Hullo world and off to another shameless post which has my photos everywhere! I thought for the starting month of the year, as I’m prepping for my 2014 Cosplay Plans, I might as well look back at my 2013 cosplays and what I learned from them this 2013.

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Fire Emblem: Awakening Tiki costume worn on Fantasy Quest 3. Sewed in a week, it’s quality in-person and the measurements aren’t very good yet. I can do better. Perhaps one day I’ll remake this.

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Cosplay Make-Up Kit Shopping List!

Ahoy and good morning, mates! Christmas has passed and you probably have extra moolah to burn and buy a gift for  yourself–and a good investment, if you’re a cosplayer, is a pretty decent make-up kit. ^^


If you’re just starting out and looking to build your make-up kit, let me guide you and help you list down the things you need to buy, along with personal recommendations. This list is also written for those with a low-mid range budget, so nothing too pricey and top-of-the-range. ^^;

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