We’re moving! Giveaway and New Website!


Hey guys! I’m happy to announce that this day is finally here–my blog is moving to it’s permanent home on the internet, threesmittenkittens.com!

So, I’d like to invite you to head on over there! If our cute tutorials and posts aren’t enough to convince you to move over and follow our new home, I’ve put together a craft giveaway/raffle for all our new subscribers too! ❤


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gluesSo if you want a chance to win these craft items and not be permanently disconnected from us, please head on over to our new site! Mechanics for the giveaway are posted there. This one will be deleted when the giveaway winner is announced. We’ll be have more tutorials, more crafting tips, more cosplay event photos, and more cute stuff on the new blog. ❤

Don’t forget! It’s threesmittenkittens.com!

Hope to see you there!

– kageshoujo


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