Tutorial Time: Thick Waistband Loli-able Skirt

I will hereby call my Sewing posts as Instinctive Sewing because I have near-zero sewing background. I pretty much sew and draft patterns by instinct! Except for the patterns they taught in 5th grade TLE–basic shirt, skirt and shorts, all of which we never sewed anyway…just patternmaking, really boring tbh–I have no real formal lessons with sewing. It’s always been a long, hit-and-miss thing with me. I have been trying to sew since circa 2009. I’ve only recently gotten the hang of it. Almost five long years!

 photo skirtee_zpsab8c8b7b.jpgAnyway today I thought I’d share with you all how to make my recent loli-able skirt. It was a skirt I sewed mid-late-2013 and I’ve recently decided to ‘redux’ it. I haven’t taken enough proper photos as this wasn’t intended to be a how-to when I was  taking photos, just a chronicling, but I did try my best to illustrate the pattern and describe it all with my best! Read more for rough pattern and directions. ^^;;

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Dessert Time at The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery

Time for the off-topic non-craft cute stuff! ❤ Today I’m sharing photos from The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery. Joey and I went to have desserts there after his first meet-up sale for his up-and-coming shop called “The Friendly Panda”. It’ll specialize on chibi magnets and other cute little items. I treated him to some cupcakes to celebrate the start of this new business! We passed by The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery and it looked too cute to resist!

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Short Post: My Personal Space

A few months back–probably around January–I started putting photos on the “wall” (really the backs of some cabinets) right beside my work table so I could look up to something for inspiration while working. I wanted to remember good times, and recall the reasons why I work so hard.

organize0Around January, with the work not even half-done.

I think looking up to something, having a pretty space with things that inspire you–is a key to being more productive. I like to remember why I work, why I dabble in the crafts, and look at things that make me happy. An organized space with reminders of things and people you love, and goals you’re working for, really helps.

organize1I started working on the “wall” collage after these Choo Choo Cat postcards I ordered finally came in the mail. I love these kitty-can characters and I think looking at something cute really helps lift your mood up!

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Taobao Tuesday: Cute Fabrics through DHS Taobao Service

FOR ALL COSPLAYERS and Japanese fashion enthusiasts, we all know of Taobao, the Chinese marketplace that seems to have everything we want for sale. Cosplay wigs, otaku items, Lolita dresses–all dirt cheap. It can be a challenge to purchase from Taobao though, as you would need a Chinese Bank Account and even then, shipping costs can be frightening. And still, even then, there are Customs taxes to deal with. Enough to discourage me from wanting to try out purchasing!

But then one of my trusted shops, Dolly House Shoppe (DHS), opened a Taobao Shopping Service group. Hallelujah! A chance to try out Taobao Shopping. In this blog post I’m going to rate my experience with the DHS Taobao Service. And then of course rate the fabrics that I purchased from a certain Taobao shop. (Click here to see the shop!)



Fabrics I bought through the DHS Taobao Service

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Ozine Fest 2013 Cosplay + Shopping Haul.

I WENT TO LAST Saturday’s Ozine Fest in Megamall mainly to meet-up with sweet clients of mine. I mostly go to conventions to check out the merchandise and stuff for sale and shop shop shop, but this time I held back, knowing I was there to pick up a Taobao haul I pre-purchased online though Dolly House Shop. Buut that also didn’t stop me from dropping by my friend Tsuza Art‘s booth to get some prints~ ❤


I bought the ultra-cute Vanellope print and Tsuza gave me the Serah bookmark for free! I chose these prints because once upon a time I wanted to cosplay these two but now that I’m old (guuhh) I probably won’t do a good job so I’ll leave it to the tweeners. Also is it a coincidence these two have accessories that are bestsellers in my own shop, Three Smitten Kittens? ❤

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Sophie & Toffee Prize Evaluation

I won the Sophie & Toffee contest giveaway early in March, so late March, I received a limited edition charm from them. I’m really happy I won–it’s my first time ever winning anything online! Lucky! That, and I’ve always wanted to try ordering from them. I stalk-follow their shop on a regular basis (haha) and hope to order some Japanese brand clays from them sometime! However, my shopping ban prevents me…

Doesn’t stop me from posting up an evaluation of sorts though! Here are photos from the charm I received:


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Polymer Clay Cakes Photoset

Some of my older, bigger polymer clay creations that have been with me for a while. Photos by my brother, Joey, taken with Instagram. He declares having found a better program to replace that now, though. But anyway, miniature cakes! Thanks to my sis for buying me the miniature heart plate.

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