We’re moving! Giveaway and New Website!


Hey guys! I’m happy to announce that this day is finally here–my blog is moving to it’s permanent home on the internet, threesmittenkittens.com!

So, I’d like to invite you to head on over there! If our cute tutorials and posts aren’t enough to convince you to move over and follow our new home, I’ve put together a craft giveaway/raffle for all our new subscribers too! ❤

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Birthday + Moving Out!

I missed posting last week! Real life has been keeping me busy, and February has always been a special time of the year for us. My brother Joey and I celebrate our birthdays on this month, and he and I bonded over trying to find ways to celebrate together. While this blog is mostly craft-centric, allow me to share a slice of real life every once in a while. ^^;;

According to WordPress, I’ve had this blog for four years, so I started it when I was eighteen and was pretty young and impressionable. Time flies by so fast! It’s another birthday for me, and I’m pretty old. D:

We usually celebrate our birthdays pretty simply; we just like to eat out as a family. That day my mother was out in the province so I went out with my brother and sister instead

We had sundaes for snack at Iceberg’s, dinner at Adobo Connection (which we are regulars in) and bringing home cupcakes from Lovin’ Oven.

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2013 Cosplay: Lookback and Lessons Learned

Hullo world and off to another shameless post which has my photos everywhere! I thought for the starting month of the year, as I’m prepping for my 2014 Cosplay Plans, I might as well look back at my 2013 cosplays and what I learned from them this 2013.

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Fire Emblem: Awakening Tiki costume worn on Fantasy Quest 3. Sewed in a week, it’s quality in-person and the measurements aren’t very good yet. I can do better. Perhaps one day I’ll remake this.

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Hobbies, for a Cause! Raffles and Sales for Typhoon Haiyan Victims

A lot of people made a big fuss in the news over what is supposedly the “strongest typhoon ever to hit land in the world” which was scheduled to hit our country, the Philippines. I was pretty “meh” over it because there have been many instances where the weather bureau and the government cancelled classes over predictions of bad weather that never came true. But boy, was I wrong. The typhoon hit, and it hit with all its might.


Our country is made up of 7000+ islands, and this islet in Visayas was almost washed off the map. Entire cities and provinces ended up looking worse, or similar. This after what’s confirmed to be the strongest typhoon the modern world has ever experienced.

(Source of photo and more photos here: http://ph.news.yahoo.com/photos/yolanda-damage-in-samar-slideshow/)

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Dessert Time at The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery

Time for the off-topic non-craft cute stuff! ❤ Today I’m sharing photos from The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery. Joey and I went to have desserts there after his first meet-up sale for his up-and-coming shop called “The Friendly Panda”. It’ll specialize on chibi magnets and other cute little items. I treated him to some cupcakes to celebrate the start of this new business! We passed by The Vanilla Cupcake Bakery and it looked too cute to resist!

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Short Post: My Personal Space

A few months back–probably around January–I started putting photos on the “wall” (really the backs of some cabinets) right beside my work table so I could look up to something for inspiration while working. I wanted to remember good times, and recall the reasons why I work so hard.

organize0Around January, with the work not even half-done.

I think looking up to something, having a pretty space with things that inspire you–is a key to being more productive. I like to remember why I work, why I dabble in the crafts, and look at things that make me happy. An organized space with reminders of things and people you love, and goals you’re working for, really helps.

organize1I started working on the “wall” collage after these Choo Choo Cat postcards I ordered finally came in the mail. I love these kitty-can characters and I think looking at something cute really helps lift your mood up!

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Shopping through Facebook: Tips for Buyers

THESE DAYS, Facebook isn’t only an avenue for keeping up in touch with your friends, but is a great platform to buy and sell items as well. There are tons of groups that are dedicated to the buying and selling of products, new and secondhand, from individuals, and even more pages dedicated to businesses and products!

There are many advantages to setting up shop on Facebook: First and foremost is that it’s Free (internet and electricity bills aside!). You can set up a page for your business and upload all your photos and products without paying for a listing unlike dedicated shopping sites, and no deductions on your sales either! That can also mean lower prices. 🙂 That’s why tons of shops and individuals use this as a selling platform, and lots of buyers shop through here.

But of course, since it’s not an actual shopping site unlike Multiply, Amazon, Ebay or Etsy, there is a different approach to buying and selling. I want to give everyone a few tips on how to shop on Facebook.

There are numerous groups out there that are dedicated for buying and selling of brand new and secondhand items. You can do a search of it or ask your friends if they know any groups. If you found a group you are interested in joining in and looks promising, just click join!

Each group has its own house rules, make sure to abide by them. 🙂 They mostly prohibit spam, violent language, and insulting other members and their products.


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