Tutorial Time: Thick Waistband Loli-able Skirt

I will hereby call my Sewing posts as Instinctive Sewing because I have near-zero sewing background. I pretty much sew and draft patterns by instinct! Except for the patterns they taught in 5th grade TLE–basic shirt, skirt and shorts, all of which we never sewed anyway…just patternmaking, really boring tbh–I have no real formal lessons with sewing. It’s always been a long, hit-and-miss thing with me. I have been trying to sew since circa 2009. I’ve only recently gotten the hang of it. Almost five long years!

 photo skirtee_zpsab8c8b7b.jpgAnyway today I thought I’d share with you all how to make my recent loli-able skirt. It was a skirt I sewed mid-late-2013 and I’ve recently decided to ‘redux’ it. I haven’t taken enough proper photos as this wasn’t intended to be a how-to when I was  taking photos, just a chronicling, but I did try my best to illustrate the pattern and describe it all with my best! Read more for rough pattern and directions. ^^;;

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Tutorial Time: Epoxy Resin Casting

Craft time! Today I’d like to share my experience casting items out of Epoxy Resin. I’ve always wanted to try resin casting, and I finally decided to invest in some last October. A lot of my clients had custom commission requests that needed custom transparent gemstones, so I thought resin would be a business investment as well (that and shiny new craft stuff to play with yay)

I’m just quickly going to run you guys with the how-to’s and some tips!

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2013 Cosplay: Lookback and Lessons Learned

Hullo world and off to another shameless post which has my photos everywhere! I thought for the starting month of the year, as I’m prepping for my 2014 Cosplay Plans, I might as well look back at my 2013 cosplays and what I learned from them this 2013.

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Fire Emblem: Awakening Tiki costume worn on Fantasy Quest 3. Sewed in a week, it’s quality in-person and the measurements aren’t very good yet. I can do better. Perhaps one day I’ll remake this.

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Cosplay Make-Up Kit Shopping List!

Ahoy and good morning, mates! Christmas has passed and you probably have extra moolah to burn and buy a gift for  yourself–and a good investment, if you’re a cosplayer, is a pretty decent make-up kit. ^^


If you’re just starting out and looking to build your make-up kit, let me guide you and help you list down the things you need to buy, along with personal recommendations. This list is also written for those with a low-mid range budget, so nothing too pricey and top-of-the-range. ^^;

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