Shopping Experience and Wig Review

Lucaille is famously known in the local cosplay community for their vast catalog of high-quality wigs. With that being said, local sellers offer pre-orders of their wig for anywhere from P1500 to over P2000. It’s a brand I’ve avoided because it was always so pricey, and I was always a cheapskate. (Why I can justify buying an Alpaca wig for almost the same price is beyond me)

But  then Lucaille opened an english shopping website with the same shocking Taobao prices. (aka CHEAP) Their short wigs are at 15$ (P600-700), their long wigs at 20$ (P900), which are all a far cry from the usual P1500-P2000 they’re all sold for locally. The cheapskate in me cannot let this pass. We mean to cosplay Elsa and Anna (Frozen) and Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) this year anyway, so I decided to look at for said wigs. It would be tedious to go on the hunt for on-hand of said wigs anyway. So find out how I spent just P3000 for three Lucaille wigs, and my review on the wig quality overall.

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Polymer Clay Starter Kit Shopping List!

claysh0p0Hello everyone! Back with my helpful post for the week. I’d like to share with everyone a “Shopping List” of sorts to help you take the leap if you want to get into the polymer clay hobby for the first time! If you’re a newbie you might think all you have to buy is clay, but there are other must-buy tools that are important that you might miss out on if no one tells you what you must buy! That’d be disastrous! Imagine having lots of clay but having no tools to work with them! D: So I decided to make this list, hopefully to help out newbies!

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Taobao Tuesday: Cute Fabrics through DHS Taobao Service

FOR ALL COSPLAYERS and Japanese fashion enthusiasts, we all know of Taobao, the Chinese marketplace that seems to have everything we want for sale. Cosplay wigs, otaku items, Lolita dresses–all dirt cheap. It can be a challenge to purchase from Taobao though, as you would need a Chinese Bank Account and even then, shipping costs can be frightening. And still, even then, there are Customs taxes to deal with. Enough to discourage me from wanting to try out purchasing!

But then one of my trusted shops, Dolly House Shoppe (DHS), opened a Taobao Shopping Service group. Hallelujah! A chance to try out Taobao Shopping. In this blog post I’m going to rate my experience with the DHS Taobao Service. And then of course rate the fabrics that I purchased from a certain Taobao shop. (Click here to see the shop!)



Fabrics I bought through the DHS Taobao Service

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Sophie & Toffee Prize Evaluation

I won the Sophie & Toffee contest giveaway early in March, so late March, I received a limited edition charm from them. I’m really happy I won–it’s my first time ever winning anything online! Lucky! That, and I’ve always wanted to try ordering from them. I stalk-follow their shop on a regular basis (haha) and hope to order some Japanese brand clays from them sometime! However, my shopping ban prevents me…

Doesn’t stop me from posting up an evaluation of sorts though! Here are photos from the charm I received:


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Shopping through Facebook: Tips for Buyers

THESE DAYS, Facebook isn’t only an avenue for keeping up in touch with your friends, but is a great platform to buy and sell items as well. There are tons of groups that are dedicated to the buying and selling of products, new and secondhand, from individuals, and even more pages dedicated to businesses and products!

There are many advantages to setting up shop on Facebook: First and foremost is that it’s Free (internet and electricity bills aside!). You can set up a page for your business and upload all your photos and products without paying for a listing unlike dedicated shopping sites, and no deductions on your sales either! That can also mean lower prices. 🙂 That’s why tons of shops and individuals use this as a selling platform, and lots of buyers shop through here.

But of course, since it’s not an actual shopping site unlike Multiply, Amazon, Ebay or Etsy, there is a different approach to buying and selling. I want to give everyone a few tips on how to shop on Facebook.

There are numerous groups out there that are dedicated for buying and selling of brand new and secondhand items. You can do a search of it or ask your friends if they know any groups. If you found a group you are interested in joining in and looks promising, just click join!

Each group has its own house rules, make sure to abide by them. 🙂 They mostly prohibit spam, violent language, and insulting other members and their products.


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