Air Dry Clay 101

In continuing of my thanks to all the followers of 3SK, I decided to now dedicate a post to Air Dry Clay. Lots of cosplayers and cosplay enthusiasts are eager to get more creativity flowing and I’m always very very supportive of that!  So last post I decided to share where you can get started to purchase polymer clay, but polymer has characteristics that don’t make it friendly for first-timers who only need to get one prop done or such and don’t want to take it as a hobby. Polymer Clay is priced at more or less PHP100 per color, and while that’s not really expensive, there’s still the problem of needing an oven (which most households in the Philippines don’t have, unless you bake regularly, and even then I doubt you want to be baking clay in the same oven where you bake muffins).

That’s where Air Dry Clay comes in and is extremely useful! It’s moldable, and air-dries–no need to bake it, and you can buy them at your nearest National Book Store, or even make some at home! I’d like to introduce everyone to this medium. In this post I want to touch up on  the general properties of Air Dry Clay, what I recommend it for, pros and cons, and brands easily available in the market and the respective properties of those brands.

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